Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Taking care of Blame

The past few days I wanted to write about regrets as I believe it is one of most debilitating things we can do TO ourselves. Remember regrets are just feelings we have when we forget what is important to US. Regrets are ours to own and ours to solve for.

Another debilitating feeling or action is blame. Each of probably do this many times a week. So many times I hear statements like:
I was like because traffic was horrible!
I don't know why God did this to me, it's His fault!
If you would have done what I said I wouldn't have had this happen to me!
I am not successful because I am never given the opportunity to be successful.
She ruined my life!

The list of statements goes on and on but all of them blame someone else for our situation. Time to wake up folks as the only person to look at when things go wrong is ourselves.

If you are overweight don't blame McDonald's! You are the one that drives up to the window and orders the large fries!

If you are late don't blame the traffic! You are the one that didn't leave early enough to get someplace on time!

If you are not happy don't blame someone else. It is not their job to fulfill your dreams it is yours!

If you get sick don't blame the doctors. It is your job to take care of yourself.

Blame is way more debilitating then regrets as at least with regrets it is about taking or not taking action. Blame is just letting things happen.

So what do we do to remove blame and send it packing with our regrets?

First take responsibility for what is going on. Be part of the solution rather than part of the problem! Blaming something or someone does not relieve you of the pain rather increases your pain.

Maya Angelou has a quote that says "Just because I am in pain, doesn't mean I need to be one"! Oh how true. By blaming others and not being part of the solution you become a pain to yourself, your mind and everyone around you. Nothing is gained from turning a bad situation into a worse situation, but there is everything to gain from turning a bad situation into a better situation.

Blame - recognize it in yourself and take notice when you do it. Take responsibility for who you are and the actions you take. Remember that taking no action IS an action and you must take responsibility for those too! Finally, like regrets, blame is completely avoidable if you start looking at your life.

If you know that people get upset that you are always late and you always blame traffic, take action! Leave earlier!

No regrets and certainly no blame. Get rid of the negative living and take responsibility for the solution..that my friends is purposeful living!

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