Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy day after May Day!

Not a very well celebrated day, but do you remember when?

When we were growing up May Day was a big day. We would make up little baskets of gifts or treats and run around town hanging them on the doors and running. The idea was to give someone something without a need for a Thank You or even the other person knowing who you were.

We did this a lot and even Friday when I chatted with my brother, I could tell he was smiling thinking about the fun we use to have. Giving without getting anything in return. What a grand idea.

Of course it was always fun to hear the knock at our door as well as we ran to the door to see who it was, there was a May basket for us.

Such a small gift, but isn't it usually the smallest gifts that are appreciated the most?

I was going to write about this on Friday to have us all go and give a May Basket to someone. Maybe we should just stick with the idea though. There are 31 days in May so lots of May 'Days' ahead of us. What about making someone else smile for no other reason then it feels good to make someone else happy.

A small gift, a quick knock, and run. What a great way to spend an evening.

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