Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Pros and Cons of Daylight Savings Time

Spring Ahead - what a nice thing to do. It's like winning without effort tonight!

I am more of a fall back person in so many ways, but spring ahead is a good thing today.

Cons of Springing ahead:

1. It means I have to wake up in the dark again - I like waking up to the sun coming up at 6:30am, not 7:30am
2. It means that I lose an hour of sleep. Trust me I need my beauty sleep so tomorrow may be challenging.
3. The idea of springing ahead may mean you try and put the past behind you...I caution us to face the past head on and MOVE ahead. Remember the past are those little potholes that just get bigger and bigger if we don't repave.
4. I have to change all the clocks in the house.

Pros of Springing ahead:

1. It means I get to come home in the light and it will be lighter for longer so maybe the dog and I can see where the yard poop is prior to stepping in it.
2. It means that spring is really coming and Ugly Minnesota will soon be beautiful again.
3. It gives me a fresh start, a renewed hope for a new season.
4. It reminds me to change the batteries in the smoke detectors (okay, ours are hard wired, so it reminds anyone with battery detectors).
5. It means my birthday and fishing opener are less than 2 months away, both very good things!

So Pros and Cons of Spring Forward for Daylight Savings Time! Not bad. Renew, hope, believe, and day light! All great things.

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