Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mantos y palmas

Translated: Blankets and Palms!

Good morning world and welcome to Palm Sunday! For the Christian readers today is an important day in religion as Palm Sunday is the beginning of Passion Week which ends with Easter - Christ is Risen - next Sunday. If you are Christian, you know a lot about Palm Sunday; as well as Passion week. Palm Sunday for us represents the day Jesus enters, on the donkey, into Jerusalem as he prepares for God's Plan.

One of my favorite songs from Palm Sunday is Mantos y Palmas - Filled with Excitement. It was a song we sung in Los Angeles as the Methodist Church on Palm Sunday. I don't remember all the lyrics but it starts out with "Filled with excitement on this happy throng, spread cloaks and branches on the street" and one of the other lines is "from every corner a thousand voices sing, praises to Christ who comes in the name of God, with one great shout of acclamation brings, triumph songs rejoice".

Thousands of corners, filled with excitement, praises, and coming in the name of God - whoa, what a day.

Prepare with excitement everyone!

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