Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life is like a Box...Garden?

We all have heard the quote from Forest Gump. I would agree that you just never know what you are going to get, but then maybe I would agrue the point as well.

I think we are all born into a life with some genetic skills and abilities given to us by our parents. From there we are raised with different views, thoughts, processes, rules...all the things that happen when we young.

What I don't think is that the box of chocolates continues. Eventually you get to choose what kind of chocolate to eat, when to eat it, and if you like it. Right? Just because you may have had a hard childhood, doesn't mean you have to have a hard adulthood. Just because your parents were dirt poor doesn't automatically mean you will be dirt poor. There are so many things we do have control over after the box of chocolates.

I call these the Box Garden. Do you garden? I do. I grew up with a garden and I continue to enjoy the work and results of the garden.

Like life I have options for my box garden. I can plant what I want, where I want, as much as I want, and when I want. Just like my life....I get to decide what, where, as much as, and when I do things. I am in control of my life.

So what is in my garden that relates to my life. Not a hard stretch, really it isn't!

I have a 12 x 12 area full of raspberries. I really like raspberries and in 2 weeks there will be so many raspberries we will be giving them away for others to enjoy. Raspberries are my tie to my positive attitude. They spread without any effort and produce beautiful results. There is so much there I can't help but share.

Next to the raspberries are the strawberries. Now we don't get many, mainly because the bunnies love them too, but as the years go by the roots get stronger and we have a lot more this year then we had last year. Strawberries are my tie to understanding and learning. I am always looking for ways to expand my understanding and learning.

Next I have cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, radishes, onions, broccoli and cabbage. It is a colorful array of good food that feed the soul. Each has a place in the box garden and each goes with something else to make it better. tomotoes and onions are going to make some awesome salsa, the cucumbers fuel my memories of my brother and I growing up having garden picnics, broccoli...well I love cheese and in order for me to eat broccoli it must be covered in cheese sauce.
The thought is that I am full of different ideas, skills, abilities, wants, desires, dreams and concerns. It is what makes my colorful character and depending upon how I use them they can result in amazing results.

The final area in the garden is the herb area. Only two in there - dill and cilantro. They are the added bonus producing enough for cilantro pesto or dill cucumbers. They may be small but they are the touch that makes other things so much better. These would represent my toys that make everything else just a little better. The boat makes fishing just a little more fun at times, motorcyles fun to ride on a Sunday morning...they are just the little extra.

I came from and grew up with a box of chocolates and have evolved into a box garden.

Why do we all do what we do? Why do we think how we think? Why do we behave like we behave? I bet if we all looked for a way to relate it to something as easy as a box of chocolates or a garden, it would tell a lot about who you are.

Do you have a garden or are you still hoping for a better box of chocolates? Take control of your life and plant a garden!

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