Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday the 13th!

I have no idea why people get goofy on Friday the 13th's, as I think Monday the 13th's are must worse. I mean really! At least on Friday the 13th the weekend is just a few hours away, but on Monday the 13th you have so many more days of work left!

Actually I am not a big superstitious person so I don't pay much attention to any of it, but I do find it interesting that others plan the day around such dates. They stay home or don't drive or don't even get out of bed. Gracious! It sounds a bit strange to me.

I guess why I don't have much use for these 'dates' is that I remember that my fate is determined by me and my God. No one else. No one can make something bad happen to me, or drive me to do something I don't want to is me or an act of God --hopefully I am aligned with those acts of God!

So as I write this blog I think about all the wonderful things that happened to me on this Monday the 13th. I got a lot done at work but shutting my door and concentrating. I made it safely there and back. I was able to add value to meetings. I ate a healthy salad and corn for dinner. I played with the little kids (cats). I cleaned up some things in the yard that have been there for 4 months. I actually took the time to write the blog. I balanced the checkbook. I emailed a friend.

You see, every day is yours! You decide the outcomes and you decide your actions.

Happy Monday the 13th!

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