Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is it really September 1st?

Can it really be September 1st today? Really? What happen to June, July and August? Where did they go?

I guess it has been a long summer and so much has been done that maybe September is a good thing. Actually, besides winter and spring, fall is my favorite time of year.

Fall reminds me to reflect and drop the old leaves and prepare for a time of understanding and quiet. Winter is 3 months away and spring 6 months away! Fall, to me, is the new beginning as you really can start giving up that which does not matter and look forward to quiet time to grow, learn, live, and love.

Now I know many of you get more depressed over fall coming as it means the snow will fly soon, I get that. Maybe this year you will take the time in September to reflect on your summer. What did you do? How did you feel? What changes do you see in yourself? Did you see or experience something you never thought possible? Maybe it was a new city you visited, or a new friend you made, or a new passion you discovered by trying something for the first time, or a new fishing spot you can't wait to get back and try again, maybe you lost a close friend or family member that has changed you, maybe you found love or lost love or maybe you just took some time for yourself that was not only needed but well deserved.

September is the start of the fall season. Shed the old leaves and relax, be quiet, meditate, and be still. Let the work and the worries of Summer drop from your shoulders and look forward to the next 3 months.

Yes, September 1st is a good day. Enjoy, relax, reflect, and collect your memories. Winter will be here soon enough so take this time.

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