Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest things - Or maybe not!

Ah, five days away and it felt good. Felt good to be away from the ways of corporate America, away from cell phones and internet, away from animals and away from my racing head thoughts. Like everything, somethings must end so here we go for the last 3 months of this blog.

Today I want to share some of the things I have seen or heard kids say the past week. I don't know how or why I was tuned into what they were saying - not like a high priority of mine to be around kids right now, but sometimes I think things happen for a reason.

Yesterday we went for a motorcycle ride and we stopped to have breakfast along the way. As we waited for our food a family with three kids came into eat as well. I wasn't paying much attention to them until one of the kids, maybe 7 or 8 years old, turn around and I saw the back of his shirt. It said "Some people go to bed and dream about what they want to be, others wake up and work hard to become who they want to be!"

From a extra small t-shirt comes words we all can live by. Do you go to bed and hope tomorrow will be better or do you wake up in the morning and work hard to make it better? I figured if a 7 year old can wear this proudly on his back I would be proud to share his views with you. To Dream or to Work?

Another kid I saw this weekend had a similar message on his shirt that said "People aren't born with talent, they must work hard to be talented". Again, maybe 7 or 8 years old - little extra small shirt. If you think you are born with anything, including the rights of others, you are wrong - we all must work hard to be talented, to achieve, and to be purposeful.

From the mouth of babes comes our reality. It has nothing to do with entitlement or because it should be easy---no--it is hard work and getting up every morning with a purpose to be the best you can be.

Listen to the kids, they do say the darndest things!

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