Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How much Value did you give and see today?

It has been a crazy day. More meetings then hours in a day it seemed. As I take a moment to write though, I am astound by the amount of value I gave as well as saw today.

I knew it was busy and running from place to place is never easy. Meeting after meeting I heard "you have it under control", "this was very helpful", "we now have a plan" and others. Value statements of control, helpful and planning.

I also saw a lot of value today in people I work with as well as people in my life. Comments like: "You really organized this well", "we have an appointment for the furnace check on the 24th", "I can't wait to help clean up the highway on May 1st", "You really made a difference in being here" and others! Again, value statements of organizing, meeting, helping, and making a difference.

I could have gone through the day with blinders on and not stopping to notice the value of people, projects, and life. I decided not too and rather notice all that is happening around me. Look for the value in people, projects and life.

In Silence the loudest words are spoken! How much value did you give and see today?

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