Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I 5 Love Winter!

That's right! I love, love, love, love, LOVE Winter!

I know this is going to make many of you think I am absolutely as crazy as you thought or maybe crazier then you thought, but I can't help it I FIVE Love Winter!

Now I could leave it to that, but it would probably make no sense to anyone, so here is my explanation of the Five Loves of Winter.

20 above to 20 below is part of winter in Minnesota and I LOVE it!  Here is why!

Love Number 1: Have you ever noticed that going outside in cold weather does one of two things? It invigorates you, wakes you up, and becomes reality really quickly and it makes you appreciate heat! I asked someone today "How would you like to feel warm and comfortable? She of course wanted it, so I took her outside and stood for a few minutes. On the way back in I said "Now you will feel warm and comfortable"! It is true! when you spend even a few minutes outside you really appreciate the fact that the furnace is working!

Love Number 2: Have you ever noticed that during the winter months food becomes so tasty! This is true for other seasons, but winter is my favorite. It is like comfort food becomes your soul mate. The only fruits in the store are apples, oranges and maybe the lady handing out samples of cheese and crackers in the back!

You can come home and make a big pot of stew and enjoy the comfort of feeling warm inside. Rarely would you make a really hot and rich meal in the summer!

Love Number 3: Have you ever noticed that with winter comes seasonal smells? The smell of cut grass is gone and is replaced by cut trees. Pine wood smell and cinnamon sticks. Next to fresh cut grass it really is my favorite smell.

In the summer you can buy passion fruit, Hawaiian Flower and a host of 100 other smells that meet your personal liking, but in the winter most of us gravitates towards cinnamon, sugar cookies, and pine. It is the most distinct aroma time of the year.

Love Number 4: It goes without saying but two weeks of -10 degrees and I am smiling while I sleep as I know that it is "making good ice". Yep, clear and cold nights are making ice on the lakes allowing for a littler safer trip when you head out fishing! This week is the most perfect week because of the temperature lows. Ah, good clear solid ice!

Love Number 5: Put the swimsuits away and pull out the oversize and fluffy clothes - enough said! Seriously, a fleece sweater, lined slippers, flannel PJ's...it is like you bond as one with your comfortable clothes.

So there you have it. My 5 Loves of Winter! I know many of you could say the same about Fall, Spring, or Summer...but it is my blog and I love, love, love, love, LOVE Winter!

Here's to warmth, comfort, aromas and food!


  1. I think you really are crazy AND it was probably that trip to Churchill that put you over the edge:) I bet you move to a 12-month winter climate soon.
