Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It has been a very hard week

Last Wednesday my Aunt Laverda walked into a hospital to have her breast removed due to having found two cancerous lumps. The surgery went perfect and no other cancer was found, but Laverda had a very hard time coming out of it. They sent her home on Thursday and after 48 hours of my uncle and Mom trying to take care of her, they called the ambulance and Laverda was taken back to the hospital.

Now, three days later the doctors have said the outcome looks grim as she wasn't getting enough oxygen and has severe brain damage and if they unhooked the breathing tubes she would not survive.

Seven days ago she walked into a hospital.Seven days ago she was on facebook. Seven days ago she told me to keep her in my prayers. Seven days ago there was anxious feelings not grief. Seven days life was good.

Tomorrow the immediate family will decide what to do. Laverda had a living will so they will follow her instructions. I now pray for her family who seven days ago had a wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousin and friend.

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