Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When will I learn?

One of my goals of living a positive and purposeful life is to pay attention! Viewing all that is around you allows you to figure out where you need to make minor adjustments to gain a better balance and a more positive life.

Last night I went Cross Country Skiing. Yes it was fun and yes it was a learning moment, but I forgot one important thing, a good hat to cover my ears! I froze my ears a few years ago and every time I am in a cool wind or cold weather I wear something warm over them. I have learned, well I thought I had learned.

This morning I get up with a crazy ear ache and bells ringing galore all because last night I didn't wear an appropriate hat over my poor little ears! So when will I learn?

I guess it was a great reminder of why I have hats and ear muffs in every coat I own. After having to come home today because of the headache I got from the issues with the ears, I thought again--learning moment!

So, when you start looking at positive and purposeful living remember it isn't always about epiphanies or major events. Some days it is about remembering what you learned and following the learning.

Here's to my ongoing joy of learning!

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