Monday, February 1, 2010

The Gremlin of Personal Doubt

Well today is the big day. I have a presentation this morning and one more tomorrow morning to a highly positive yet skeptical group. As much as I hope I am a "Scholar" in my work, I found last night as I was going through my presentations that my personal gremlin of self doubt came to visit.

I will talk more about gremlins this week, but we all have them. Gremlins are those little voices in your head that make you doubt your skills, abilities, thoughts, and actions. They are not gut feelings which usually serve to provide you with insight into what is going on, rather thoughts that serve to derail you from moving forward.

Self doubt is one of my personal gremlins. It questions if I am good enough, or prepared enough, or if anyone will give me the time of day, or if anyone will even care that I am here. Yep, I have him sitting next to me right now. The little stinker got into my head yesterday after meeting the folks I will be presenting to. These folks are here from invitation not desire. This is not to say most of them are here to derail anything, but most presentations I give I have people in the room that actually want to hear what I say and learn from what I say.

So here I sit this morning with George, my self doubt gremlin's name, thinking about how to send him to Disneyworld so I can move forward. I believe there is a bus that leaves in an hour and he will be on it. There is no room in my life for George and I will take him by the hand and escort him to the front door. Literally.

See this is what you have to do with gremlins as they will not leave by themselves. What are your gremlins today? Self doubt, self hate, self consciousness, negative attitude, the list goes on and on. Give them a name and find a bus to send them away.

So off I go. I literally am going to walk upstairs to the front door of the hotel and let George go. I have no time for self doubt or him hanging around today. I am strong, insightful, and full of knowledge. I will lead, as well as follow, today and I will stand tall knowing that everyone here has a passion as well as their own personal gremlins.

Let's send a bus load away today. Everyone now...what do you fear? Walk it to the door and tell them to hit the road!

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