Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Tigers are Coming! The Tigers are Coming!

Hello Sunshine---hello -12 below! My positive statement of the day is “at least I don’t live in Northern Minnesota where the low last night was -32 degrees Fahrenheit! Yes, 32 below and that was without wind chill! Burr!

What does this have to do with tigers coming? Well, I was trying to think of what animal can cause fear in an elephant and the only thing I could think of were tigers!

Day 1 of the healthy living and tigers surrounded me this morning. You know the kind, they have little voices that come into your head and make statements like “I can start this exercise stuff tomorrow” or “I think I am getting a headache” or “It is too cold to do anything but eat a big bowl of Mac and Cheese” or “Do you think anyone really would care”? Those tigers! The tigers of doubts and excuses that come after you make a commitment to yourself! We all have them and I am here to say we have a choice, yes a choice to listen to them or battle through their war cries and persevere!

This morning I choose to persevere! Yes it was cold out and yes I wasn’t feeling great, but this is my life and I get to determine how each day will be spent! So, back off tigers I am going to the gym! 45 minutes later I have done a great bicep and triceps workout; as well as walked the treadmill for 20 minutes. May not sound like much, but for me it is the beginning piece of the elephant.

What are your tigers? Listen to them and then decide for yourself that you are in charge!

One of my favorite lines from the movie “The Holiday” is when Kate Winslet says “You should be the leading lady in your own life, for God’s Sake”!

Watch those tigers, they are everywhere and then choose to not ignore them, but tame them. Be the leading lady or man in your own life!


  1. I like that....leading lady in my own life. Yes...that would be good.

    My tiger is age: I keep thinking 'why bother with this health stuff now.' Eat, drink and be merry cuz tomorrow you die. Well, maybe I will...but I don't want to die because I lived an unhealthy life. I've found that eating healthy and exercise lifts my spirits...makes me feel glad for my life and happy to be part of whatever the day brings. There is instant gratification in doing good things for myself.

  2. To be a Tiger, growing up I was a Tiger in High School. Fridley Tigers LOL Yes I know not the same thing.

    But what scares the elephant more then a Tiger.
    A little Mouse, we have all made the statement oh how I would love to be a little mouse in the corner. My little mouse has grown up from being the Tiger and is now the Eagle watching the Tiger. Knowing we all can fly stronger and farther in our life's further then the Tiger can run. We are all better then the Tiger. Grab the Tiger by its tail run strong and free.

    We Love the blog :)
