Sunday, March 20, 2011

April showers already?

As I sit looking out the window this morning I am watching the rain hit the deck in numbers. As long as winter seemed, it seems like spring rains are coming much earlier than I expected. Now I am not complaining, I love spring for so many reasons and it is my favorite four seasons coaching phase of growing and learning, but what do we do when it comes earlier than normal?

It reminded me of life. We sometimes don't have the opportunity to pick the exact day or time something will happen, sometimes the rains come when they want...not when we want. Many of us think or want to be in control of every step in our lives, but sometimes the rain comes early. Sometimes the growing comes early and sometimes late.

It is what we do with our personal time lines that makes or breaks us. If you are so set on one way and do not yield to the world around you and within you it will be frustrating and filled with fear. None of us know the exact time of growing, learning, feeling, or experiencing. What we know is that we will do each of these four things.

So, as you look out your world window today notice how it changes - with or without you. Take that vision and transform it to your life. What does your short term future look like? Does the timing matter or is it the event that matters? Planning for the event with a time frame is one thing..spring coming today is another.

Write down what events you need to complete in the next month as spring starts. What are you doing to grow, learn, feel and experience? Not tomorrow and not the next day, but within the growing phase. The rains will come on their terms, so control what you can. Control your plan.

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