Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Are you gardening weeds or roses?

I look back on 2010 and wonder how in the world I was able to blog nearly every day! Now, I seem to have run out of words to write. It is June 1st tomorrow and for the past 3 weeks I really have been busy and doing things! Really, I have.

I have written a number of chapters to my books, worked full time, went fishing a couple times, took a weekend Harley ride trip, planted a garden, planted flowers, lost a dear puppy companion, planned a couple vacations, helped out a number of friends, was on a radio talk show, cleaned the house and I am sure I completed a number of other items off the to-do list. So why haven't I written about them?
Well it occurred to me that sometimes life gets busy! Busy is a great way because being busy means you are living and growing and learning.

I am all about planning and writing goals and objectives, but for a while here I was planning so much I wasn't getting things done. It was like I was planning so much that the plans became the weeds that get in the way of a beautiful garden. I started to wonder where the days went as the list of weedy things to do and plans/goals/objectives grew.

There is a saying that goes something like this "You can pray to God for help, but sometimes you have to work for what you want as well!" And there is another saying that goes "she who plants weeds cannot expect to grow roses". Both came to mind today as I was driving home and taking stock of what the last month has meant to me.
We sometimes get so busy with planning that time goes by and nothing gets done! Plans are only as good as allowing for time to make the plans a reality, but when plans become down time that allows the weeds to grow in your personal garden you have to get off your knees and get to work! You have to move out of planning and into action.
I didn't plan a lot of the 'things' I did this year; in fact I have planned little since March. I decided that I had thought enough about my plans and dreams. I had written and rewritten my goals and plans so many times I was dreaming about it. I was letting the planning become my weeds! It was time to grow...it was time to do...it was time to take some changes and see what I could accomplish.
I know there are many who believe in making sure you always have a plan, but sometimes your plan becomes the weeds...they get in the way of the flowers.
As we begin June we begin the growing season. It is time to get rid of the weeds and start growing your personal flowers. Take action and plant your garden! So today I will continue to grow roses and work hard to keep the over planning over analyzing and over thinking weeds from my garden.

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