Today Suzan celebrates her 45th birthday and after a morning of birthday clues and an afternoon of Mini Golf I hope she remembers this day for a long time. To celebrate her I wanted to share with you all the Ten things I have learned from Suzan.
1. There is always room for 1 more kitty. When you have the room and ability to have an animal or two there is so much you get in return. You get love, excitement, cuddling time, and purrs.
2. Consider yourself blessed if you can do something for a job that is also your passion. Suzan quit the rat race of office cubes a few years ago and began working a job that is her passion. Day in and day out she cares for animals. Walks them, cleans up after them, and gives them lots of loving. Make your passion your career!
3. Vegetables are good! I have never known someone who loves veggies as much as Suzan. Any kind and any way. I have grown to appreciate (not really like) the fact that it’s okay to eat a little broccoli once in a while without cheese sauce!
4. It’s okay to not be the best at everything, but it helps! Suzan is someone who can pick up a sport in no time. She never played softball in high school and now a natural. Never played tennis but she can hold her own. Maybe it isn’t about being the best as much as embracing your abilities.
5. Never say never when shopping for a motorcycle. Suzan fell in love with riding last year and when she went to try and find a bigger bike to ride it was hard. Not a lot of bikes are made for the petite, but never say never when following a dream. After a few months of looking Piglet was purchased. An 883 Harley Davidson Sportster that fits her alright. Live to ride, ride to live.
6. Remember the importance of family. Suzan isn’t one to get all mushy around family, but there is some real importance of family to her that goes beyond emotions. It’s about learning and loving. She spent two weeks overseas with her brother and sister-in-law, not to just see Europe but to spend quality time with her big brother. It’s not about emotions, it’s about connections.
7. Some people actually love 90 degrees and humid! I am not one of them, but Suzan is. The hotter the better and if there is some humidity to go with it…oh the joy. I never knew someone who appreciated heat more than her. From a year round mattress pad heater to hot and humid weather, she reminds me that others like it hot!
8. Giving to others should also include animal shelters. We need people like Suzan in our lives as they remind us that not only are their human needs, there are humane needs as well. This doesn’t mean having a hundred cats or dogs, but the next time you donate to a cause remember the four legged ones. She reminds me of how many dogs and cats needing love and attention and makes me want to do more.
9. Trying new things won’t kill you! Since meeting Suzan I have tried some things I never would have thought I would. Not so much as experiences but food! Kimshee, Keem, Pagogi, avocado…I never even knew what most of these were before I met her, but I do now.
10. And finally, I have learned that there may be two or three different ways of doing one thing, but all turn out the same in the end. Minds think differently and that is true for Suzan and me. We get to the same result, but the path there is very different…and that is okay.
When the 10 things I have learned come this easy to write I know I have just begun to learn myself.
Happy 45th Birthday Suzan!
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