Thursday, February 4, 2010

Do a good deed today

Well it has been a long day. We left this morning at 6:45am on our way to San Diego and after an hour and a few the plane landed in Chicago. Two hours later we are aboard another plane flying the opposite way to San Diego. I never have quite figured out why airlines fly you east to go southwest, but it worked.

The flight was uneventful and between trying to catch some sleep and playing Hangman, after 4 hours or so we landed in sunny San Diego.

Now I have been looking forward to this trip since Christmas when I got a metal detector! Yes, I am an explorer and I can't wait to try and find a 50 pound nugget of gold that no one else has ever noticed on the beach. Okay, so maybe I am setting my goal a little high, but the idea of just looking is what is exciting.

As we get to the hotel it is next to a wonderful sand beach and checking in I see my good friend Suzy sitting in the lobby. It is a wonderful feeling to be surprised, especially when it is someone who means the world to you. Suzy was there when I was learning about business, customer service and technology. All which I use daily now. She drove with me back from Seattle to Minnesota and has always been one of those friends that is only 'a phone call away'. A wonderful surprise. A good deed. Spending time with old friends.

As we get settled into the room we notice an elderly lady sitting next to the beach curb and a man holding her up. She had fallen and was having a hard time standing up. Suzan ran out to help, Suzy calls the anbulance and walks to the front of the hotel and waits, and I stand watching as people come together to aid a stranger. A good deed.

Tomorrow my brother flies in. Not for work but to hang out with his big sister. Again, taking time and money to just be. A good deed.

None of this had to happen, but it did. People doing good deeds just because they are good people.

We are given so many opportunities to do good deeds every day. A smile, a touch, a visit, a phone call, a helping hand, a gentle word. Good Deeds. I hope you experience both sides of one today.

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